Mini Dachsies and IVDD – there’s too much sausage and not enough dog! by Anna Webb
Cosmo on the one and only sunny day in August 21!
As part of the huge wave of new dog ownership with the pandemic puppy boom, Mini Dachshunds have become increasingly popular thanks to celebrity ownership and appearances in advertising campaigns.
However, The Kennel Club recently spoke out about why one in four Mini Dachsies are suffering from over exaggerated features: their legs are too short for their bodies.
Making them appear more ‘sausage’ in shape is one of the stressors that puts pressure on Dachsies’ spines through exaggerated conformation. This combined with congenital Intervertebral disc calcification can cause Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD).
In action!
Responsible breeding and testing for Intervertebral disc calcification, often a cause of IVDD, is mandatory in the Kennel Club’s Assured Breeder Scheme, helping eliminate this hereditary condition.
With unscrupulous breeders optimising the pandemic puppy boom and the soaring popularity of Mini Dachsies’, many have been bred without health tests, maximising profits by optimising their cute ‘sausage’ looks.
The rise of IVDD cases has been noticed by the International Association of Animal Therapists (IAAT).
President of the IAAT, Sherry Scott MBE, who was one of the first pioneers of animal physiotherapy in the early 1970’s, set up IAAT in 1990. She commented: “I’ve noticed many of our members treating Mini Dachsies with owners increasingly investigating non-invasive treatments and reaching out for rehabilitation, rather than rushing for surgery. Combining integrative therapies like massage, osteopathy, and physiotherapy is what IAAT is all about. We encourage practitioners to share an integrated approach to wellness, with up-to-date science incorporating the latest technologies including, Low Level Laser – LED red light (Photizo Vetcare), Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy, Radio Wave treatments and Ultrasound.”
IAAT’s members were amongst the first to learn about Photizo Vetcare when it launched in 2013. As a handy non-invasive tool, it offers pre-programmed, evidence-based doses of LED sourced red pulsed light. Recommended to members for use in their practice, it complements all physical therapies..
Vetcare helps reduce pain and inflammation, promote lymph flow and natural healing by stimulating ATP or cellular energy. Working to help repair musculoskeletal conditions, heal wounds and atopic skin conditions. Amongst its many biological effects, Vetcare encourages endorphin release, helping relax patients and aid their rehabilitation.
Sherry continues: “I believe the rise in cases is down to poor breeding and the rise of puppy farmed dogs, and the internet, allowing sales of puppies with just a few clicks. Mini Dachsies are perfect for town or country provided strict lifestyle issues like jumping up, sliding on wood floors, and running up and down stairs is minimised. It’s also important to keep them slim, putting less pressure on their joints.”
When IAAT member and Manual Therapist, Alix Tidmarsh’s Mini Dachsie was injured as a puppy falling down a rabbit hole playing football in 2013, the traumatic incident began her journey to change career as a BBC Producer and re-train as a Veterinary Physiotherapist specialising in visceral massage for dogs and horses.
She explains: “Cosmo, my Mini Dachsie puppy, damaged her tibial growth plate. She developed a strange, twisted limping walk and I was convinced it would do her no good in the future as I knew dachsies had a propensity to back problems.
In conjunction with a Fitzpatrick operation to straighten Cosmo’s tibia in 2013, I began study to become a veterinary physiotherapist with The College of Animal Physiotherapy, ending up changing direction half way through towards using more energetic healing techniques such as myofascial release, cranio-sacral, acupressure and abdominal cavity techniques to help my clients”.
Having trained over 9 years with highly specialised chiropractors, physios and rehab vets, Alix mainly uses these manual techniques in combination with a professional device offering red and blue light and pulsed magnetic modalities.
Cosmo enjoying a herbal session with my horse – covered in Barley Grass!
Alix commented: Over the years, I’ve seen very effective results using LED sourced red light, despite various vets telling me there was no conclusive evidence! My views are backed by an ever-growing body of actual anecdotal success stories as evidenced by colleagues in the physiotherapy community globally, and that we’ve only just begun to scratch the surface as to its potential.”
One morning, out of the blue, to Alix’s horror, during 2020 lockdown, Cosmo could not walk properly: like a drunk with very slow reactions, clearly in pain. Although Fitzpatrick’s recommended operating immediately, after extensive discussion, it was decided to try and manage the situation conservatively, aiming for gradual daily improvement to avoid the operation and extra stress for poor Cosmo.
Cosmo’s rehabilitation journey was a challenge, Alix remembers: “Strict cage rest and pain killers then followed for a month. Very challenging! I began daily proprio-receptive techniques immediately 3xday; and inert brainteaser games and then from two weeks I decided to integrate my red-light machine four times a week, 10 minutes a session.
With steady improvement and a very carefully orchestrated exercise regime using static exercises, wobble cushions, etc, Cosmo slowly recovered and nine months later is back playing football. Some weeks plateaued, others progressed – time and patience is needed for IVDD!”
Cosmo’s journey has been very carefully orchestrated, working closely with Fitzpatrick’s, and Alix’s integrated rehab vet: Veerle Dejonkheere. Using her prescribed anti-inflammatory herb recommendations, combined with a grass-fed organic keto diet, that’s helped keep Cosmo’s weight down. So far, the IVDD has so far been successfully managed.
She enthused: “I’m not saying it won’t return but to prove it is possible to manage conservatively in some cases. I definitely think the red-light therapy had a big part to play in her recovery and I continue to use my red-light machine a couple of times a month to keep her soft and moving well. I have been so impressed with my red-light therapy machine in recent months that I bought a Photizo to leave with my clients as it is super easy and quick to use. I recently decided to submit Cosmo as a case study to IAAT. I was bowled over and so honoured when I heard I had actually won! I am absolutely delighted to have added a second Photizo Vetcare to my arsenal to help my clients be more comfortable and feel better when I can’t be there. They are perfect for dogs with a short attention span – very easy to handle and only 30s a cycle – you can treat quickly without them noticing and you know you are helping them – I use it regularly on Cosmo when we are on the fly”.
For more information visit:
Alix Tidmarsh, Manual therapist:
For Photizo Vetcare visit: