Photizo Vetcare Sue Jaycock Photizo Vetcare Sue Jaycock

Giving Dogs a Choice: The Power of Consent in Photizo Vetcare Treatments

At Photizo, we believe in a compassionate, pet-centred approach to care. One of the core principles behind Photizo Vetcare is that treatment should always be consensual. Unlike many other Photobiomodulation (PBM) devices that come in the form of wraps or coat-style wearables, our handheld device allows for flexibility—ensuring that your pet has the freedom to opt in or out of a session as they choose…

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Case Studies (Animal) Sue Jaycock Case Studies (Animal) Sue Jaycock

Photizo’s Vetcare helps heal a non-healing skin graft against the odds after Vets diagnosed amputation.

Canine Remedial Massage Therapist, Dr Aly Grant, is no stranger to integrating Photizo’s Vetcare into her practice.  Her experience in offering hands-on muscle and soft tissue manipulation also combines her Reiki4Dogs qualifications along with a triple certification as a canine first aid responder...

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